
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Kereta Proton Evo VIII.


banyak sungguh kereta Proton Wira dan Proton Waja yang sudah disolek seakan-akan Mitsubishi Evolution.
lampunya ditukar.
spoiler, bumper dan interior juga.
ada yang lebih ekstrim memodifikasi enjinnya sekali.
paling cikai pun menukar lambang Proton kepada lambang Mitsubishi.

pengikutnya sangat ramai.
siap ada pelbagai pertubuhan 'pembeli kereta tempatan kacuk import' ini.
matlamatnya hanyalah untuk menyedapkan hati sendiri, mengelirukan orang lain, menipu ataupun malu kerana memiliki kereta murah dan tidak mampu membeli kereta import itu.
tapi hakikatnya, kereta itu masih cap Proton dalam dan luar.
tukarlah macam mana pun.

semuanya gara-gara prestasi kereta Evo yang sangat memberangsangkan itu.
juga gara-gara pihak Mitsubishi yang bodoh buat tak kisah kereta mereka diciplak oleh golongan-golongan tak mampu itu.
kerana mungkin pihak Mitsubishi tak tahu, lama-kelamaan, orang dah taknak beli kereta mereka lagi. mahal.
baik beli Proton, convert saja.
murah dan mudah.

tak mustahil lepas ini, Mistsubishi akan lenyap di Malaysia.



mereka ingin guna nama Allah untuk agama mereka.
matlamatnya hanyalah untuk mengelirukan orang lain dan menipu.
semuanya gara-gara prestasi agama empunya nama Allah itu.
juga gara-gara empunya nama Allah itu bodoh buat tak kisah.
empunya nama Allah itu tak tahu, lama-kelamaan, orang ramai akan lupa siapakah pemilik asal nama Allah itu.
maka, convert saja.
sebab agama mereka itu kedengaran sama sahaja nama tuhan mereka.
agama itu juga lebih mudah dan murah.

tak mustahil lepas ini, agama asal Allah itu akan lenyap di Malaysia.


Anonymous said...


Proton akan buat mass production kete sebijik macam Evo, will be in production this year. Bila tu, aku xpasti. Yang pasti, memang xjauh beza ngan Evo, enjin Campro je. =)

Anonymous said...


MOFASAD said...

setuju sangat!!!

cucunenekkebayan said...

hahaha. nampaknya ada yang salah faham post ini. aku bukan nak bercerita pasal proton itu.

aku cuba kaitkan antara proton dan penggunaan kalimah Allah oleh orang kristian.

my bad. maaf.

sapik said...

post ni agak menarik...mengaitkan kereta yang di convert sehingga mengelirukan yang mana evo yang dan yang mana satu wira@wajanya....
dengan yang mana satu allahnya...yang islam atau yang kristiannya....
keadaan sama dikaitkan dengan kebenaran dan kepalsuan....
namun yang palsu tetap palsu...sekadar penyedap mata(telnga) dan hati.....
kerana x kiralah se extreme mane pon modifikasi.....
tetap x terkejar prestasi
evo yang sebenar.....

bak kata satu iklan...
pastikan ori baru beli....

john x rase nak konvert savvy ko jadi evo kontot ke lol

cucunenekkebayan said...

sapik: savvy akan diconvert kepada ferrari sikit masa lagi!

sapik said...

hahaha lamborghini lagi bagus wei ekekekek

Anonymous said...

teknik penulisan penuh dengan falsafah , kiasan dan berkonsep. gaya penulisan pemikiran tinggi. syabas!

cucunenekkebayan said...

terima kasih. tp bunyinya mcm memerli. haha

Anonymous said...


facts and figure proven that Christian uses the word Allah way beyond before Muslims.

Is just an Arab word.

cucunenekkebayan said...

ano: what is the use of facts and figures without understanding them? people always think that knowing or reading something with facts and figures is enough and show that he is damn clever.

yes. we as muslim admit that the word Allah has been used before the existance of Islam. but, the fact is, christian before was no longer the same as what is being practiced today (from the ISLAMIC point of view) before, there was only one god, Allah. even, christian people may be chosen to heaven as it was also a religion brought by the phophet (same as Islam).

Islam came after that and the religions brought before were considered invalid and therefore Allah belongs to muslims, the last religion.

it's just an arabic word?
haha. that is the biggest problem of you. that is also the reason why the christians in Malaysia dont even think of how the muslim around the world may feel. Allah is not just a word. it is OUR GOD. Allah means, the ONLY GOD. not just simply means god.

and if the word Allah is just an arabic word, why christians in MALAYSIA desperetly want to use that word to represent their god? what is wrong with Malaysian word- TUHAN?

if it is the same, we can change the rukun negara to:

kepercayaan kepada ALLAH.

sapik said...

hei anonymous.........i wanna ask you something.....what is the syahadah for muslims.....
lailahaillallah right...
why do the kalimah Allah is used in syahadah.....
so when we actually give the rights to the christians to use it doesnt that actually means that we are compromising Allah's as the one and only GOD.......if u r a muslim...please repent...
but if you r a non muslim....

please understand

cucunenekkebayan said...

the only reason they want to use the word Allah is because they have met a dead end of translating the word 'god'.

the article in MalaysiaToday is nothing. in fact, that article with its facts and figures is only trying to confuse the Muslims that Islam was originated from Hindu. that's all.

to make it easier to understand, although without facts and figures, the attempt to take the kalimah Allah from us is too irrational and people equipped with a rational mind and soul would realize that it will create a catastrophic end. don't they think how the Muslim will feel? what will be the consequences?

the 1Malaysia way of solving this conflict is just use the bloody word 'TUHAN' as a simple, peace and easy-to-understand translation of 'GOD'.

sapik said...

wow enggeres hahahaha
john..buat la 2 version..satu melayu satu enggeres blog ko neh...
wei korang start training ikim biler...
rase cam nak wat friendly jer

Anonymous said...

yes..that the way... speaking protecting defending and attacking with reasons . if only those politician and those who r emotional can write or speak in they way that you do why should or should not use then the problems wont be so worsen.

u r a great and rare talent. very intelligent . hope to see you continue in the journey of debate

that world needed you ! do not waste wat GOD had given to you.

Mohd Hasyim Bin Harun said...

menarik post ni....